May 20, 2005 10:59
sometimes, i totally feel like hitting someone(and im sooo not violent). you know the feeling when you see someone and for some reason they piss you and you wanna punch the shyt out of them, and then you realize it would totally hurt, not because you care about the pain, but because you realize you're staring at the mirror....
ohhh maaaan, where do i start.
TODAY is payday, and i have over 100+ hours on it. soo i cant wait to cash that.
The money will be distributed as follows:
250 straight outta the check to my mom to pay for car n such(I usually ony pay 150 ever 2weeks but i have extra caassssssssssh)
that shall leave me with about 300-325 for two weeks.
MY friend Kamil and i are throwing down for accesories and we're going to finally grow our shrooms. -30 from me. -20 from him since he's taking care of them.
We need to buy canning jars and some brown rice(i assume we're using brown rice) or rye. He's got the syringe so we just needa inject that shyt do some pressure cooking. wont get into details, but we're hoping for about 400+grams of shrooms. im suure it'll be much less when it's dry. probably 1/3 of it.
He's done it before, this tyme we're partnarrrs. yesh.
After buying a a pack of blunts im guessing i'll have abooot 290. for 2 weeks
Edgar and i might go halves on an OZ today. if not. im just gonna buy an 8th of regs.
and that is my day's plans. I work til 1. and im off. yeehaw.
Sometimes, its soo obvious that girls are fake to eachother. ya know, when they say ooooh yer gorgeos and wutnot, but in realit yyou can juuuuust feeel their negativity. wut they really wanna do is bitchslap the girl. seriously. girls cant get along. HOW THE FUCK WOULD THE WORLD BE BETTER IF WOMAN RULED? seriously? instead of wars over oil. it'll be over makeup. who controls the makeup. ohh maaan. we're gonna have to drill to find makeup. i dunno man. shnutup. i know it makes no sense. I have nothing against girls. I think they're beautiful creatures, and id rather stare at a girl that a guy..anyday. well, obviously, but ya know wut im sayin g.
Soo yesterday i was watching these short episodes about how the world is run by the few elite people. and i found that very infuriating. and then i went to bed and turned the History channel on(i always fall asleep to that shyt) and it was about the russian revolution. anddd fooor some reason my head started to makeup rules id enforce if i were to ever rule. soo thats my new goal. some people might laugh, call me crazy, but i seriously wanna be Emperor! doesnt have to be a huuuuuuge area, but im seriously gonna be emperor one day. There will only be 2 ways of dealing with things. Polite asking, and if that doesnt work, lots of fucking torture, cuz it seems that the only way people will get the point across. Im serious too. fuck that humane shyt, some people don't learn till you beat the shyt out of them and break their will.
First offf, fuck the ghettos. Im tearing them down the second day i get the position. If you bitches cant get along Imma have you shot. Im tired of spending money on people that don't give ashyt about the reprecusiions(sp?)
See, for me, the only reason I don't wanna go to jail is that I KNOW i'mma be raped, probably within the first 20 minutes. Im a fucking white boy and i have a roundish face(ohh, and heres an interesting fact, new born babies prefer rounder faces, they find them more pleasing and comforting, IN YOUR FACE YOU FUCKING LONG ASS FACE BITCHES) i wont last long. jail probably wouldnt bother me if it werent for that. i can isolate and talk to myself. ...anyway, back to the topic.
Weed will be legalized, but not coke. so fuck you coke heads. in fact, ill shoot you people too jus for being stupid and doing it. ive losttt rreally good friendships cuz of it. *sigh*
ALL DRUGS will be controlled, there will be no black markets. ill hang every hard drug dealer. Imma run the drug business, its rreally good money. good money for my government.
anyway, bitches will get stiches. and by bitches i mean girls that deserve to be called bitches because they just are. Im making fucking utopia here, no time for those games n shyt.
and thiss society will be a bit medieval. if you steal. you get yer hand cut off(depending on what you stole and how valuable it is to the person) just like in the middle east. adultery...get yer dick cut off. save the fucking marriages. seriously. if you dont wanna marry someone DONT FUCKING MARRY. theres always exceptions
Basically. EVERYONE WILL TREAT EVERYONE WELL. mandated by law. you dont wanna live here..then fucking die. cuz ill gladly take yer life so other people can have a better one.
This isnt going to be some barbaric country. it will be the best country I COULD MAKE. no greed. no murder, and no ghey shyt. and by ghey shyt i mean things i dont like, since its my fucking country ya bitch.
yeaah, and uhhm, if you have any suggestions. lemme know. ill gladly take yer input. whooo knows. you may even get a nice job out of it..later in life.
Seriously, im tired. if you would like to hang out with a future emperor, 224.622.3500. call me. today. im not doing anything. at all.
aohhhh. and dan is soo cute with his 3 inch NUE bowl. haha. they were gonna chargew me 5 fukcing dollars to get my ball put back in. a NEW LIP BALL costs 3 bucks and they put it in for you. seriously. who the fuck thought of that. i sseriously wanna know so i can put his name on my shytlist. ill fuck with these people when im in control. and jenny told me to make a shirt that says Emperor Alex, and i think i just miight.
<33 you all, just not bitches or hoes. maaaaan fuck people. you smell like poo