I should have Fucking Known!!!
Wait.... I did know!! I knew it all along. Everytime I said something to you, you just talked your way out of it! I always confronted you with it. And maybe this is why you would get so pissed off and defensive towards me,a nd say shit like "talk to me about it before jumping to assumptions" so often. You knew I was right. (jerk)
Gut feelings are usually right. Well in this case, the theory prooves to be true. Bitchass. Everytime that i've had a gut feeling, i've been right about it. (well most of the time) And why did I even think for a second that this would be any different.
You can't talk your way out this time. I can see through you, whether you like it or not! Why do you insist on lying to me, time and time again! What the hell. I know you think i'm stupid and all, but seriously!! Give me some credit. I know when sweet talk is just Lines.
I'm sorry I was so stupid and wasted all of your precious time. My stupid ways must really being getting old. All of the stupid things I say. And how I stick by my stupid morals. And how I say what is on my stupid mind. Who would have thought, that such a stupid girl, would actually have feelings!!!??? Let us not forget about all of the outraaaagiously stupid things I believe in. Like, honesty. **GASP**. Why would I ever say such a thing. Sounds like such a stupid idea!!!!!!!!! Being Honest... Geez. Who needs it, eh? (jackass)
You will probably think that i'm being irrational, but NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!! I happen to be just a bit Pissed Off. ...... Scratch That I am REALLY pissed off.
You knew I didn't like it when people lied to me. I thought I could trust you. I went against what EVERYONE ELSE said, and believed you, but only a little bit. And this is what I get for trusting in people. Yea. You are Deffinatly helping my case out, with why I DON'T like to date people. You're Awesome. (AssFace)
I've only ever met a handfull of decent guys in my life. And lemme check...... umm..... err... NOPE I don't see YOUR name anywhere!!!!
If you havn't caught on by now, here is a hint... I'M NOT HAPPY WITH YOU RIGHT NOW!!!!!!
"my heart can tell
that my ears aren't the first pair, you've fed these lines to.
they seem to well rehearsed to be meant.
well here is a twist in the plot
of the story you planned out
i'm not going to be the next name on your list
so loosin' the grip on the pen you're holding
you can't fool me
all your words just flew right through me"
K. Im not done either of those. (what i wrote for the lj-cut was one) But I wrote them last night. About YOU. Fuckface.
p.s. I will ALWAYS speak my mind. You can't change that.