ever taken a standardized test fueled by caffeine?

Oct 18, 2008 23:08

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.
It's 11:11pm here at the moment.  I'm making a wish

If you've taken the PSAT before, you know that it's pretty boring, right?
Well, I took it again today, for the second time.  At my school, I have to take it both sophomore and junior year.  So yep, I've seen this test before.  The only difference is that...well, I didn't sleep AT ALL last night.  Like, NO SLEEP.  I don't even know why! I mean, I went to bed at what, 10? 11pm? And all I did was lie in bed and stare at the ceiling.  I tried EVERYTHING. I listened to music that usually makes me sleep, I counted numbers [I gave up on 600], I drank tea, I read...all the things that would put me to sleep DIDN'T. 
A friend said that since I was sick this week, and I took Nyquil before I slept every night except last night, that was probably the reason.  So I guess that I couldn't sleep because I didn't take any medicine to rely on???

I would check the time on my phone after every attempt I made was failed.
12:09...1:04...2:39...2:56...3:47...4:14...5:00...time wouldn't wait for me...
I ended up going on myspace and facebook from my cellphone. 
My status updates were along the lines of:
"I've been in bed since 10:30pm.  Three hours later and I'm still awake."
"It's been four hours, and I still can't sleep."
"PSAT's are in six hours, hopefully I can fit a few hours of sleep."
"Three hours 'til PSAT. And I STILL can't sleep. WTF."
"Okay, it's official. I have insomnia. It's 5am and I'm just gonna get up already."

I ended up just reading some of the reading assignment I had for a class once it hit 5am.  I looked through vocab words at 5:30am.  I showered at 6am so I could wake up with the cold water and hopefully stay awake.  The fact that my friend got his license and was awesome enough to pick me up on the way and give me a ride to school with him was LIFESAVING.  He picked me up and was even MORE awesome by taking me to McDonald's, which was the cheapest place to get coffee that was on the way to school.  I ordered a large iced coffee and finished it within a half hour.  Good thing it kept me awake!  I took the test and was out by 11am.  I think I did pretty good on the math section.  I didn't need the calculator, and I kinda drew on the test booklet...whoops.  But the reading comprehension is one I'm worried about, I always do the worst in that section of the three.

After testing, we went to Jamba Juice! Did I ever mention to you guys how much I LOVE the White Gummy jamba juice? It's awesome.  And the Fruity Pebbles too :]
I felt weird walking around in school uniform on a Saturday, heh.
But soon, I came home.  I was drained big time.  I only ate a handful of fruit loops and string cheese before that.  I ended up feeling sick in my room.  However, I just made a bowl of rice and put the fan in front of me.  Rice is like that comfort food that makes everything better for me :D
Sleep finally came to me.  I fell asleep for five hours.  The sound of a voice over a microphone woke me up, so I just walked out back and made some juice.  Following that, I talked to Christina for a little while.  She sounds like she's doing good, which is really good!  I ate soon after that, but the party's still going.  I walked into my house, and there's some guy crashed out on my couch!  He's a family friend with my mom guys and everything, but still! This isn't the first time he walked into my house and slept on the couch just to sleep there!  He did this every other time he came here, and it's quite creepy to me in a way, I don't know why... :|

I have AD in twelve hours.  I thought to update you while these thoughts are still fresh.
Night, loves.
-Kalena [via rich text]
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