Jan 21, 2009 09:22
I was sitting outside with some people and suddenly realized my feet were in an ant hill. They were JUMPING ants. I backed away, and don't know what happened to the rest of the people I was with, but it was night time, I could see the ants at first because of what seemed like fire light, though I don't remember any fire.
Jumping ants. They kept jumping towards me and I kept backing away. Then they started flying, and they were carrying really big white things, that eventually were on fire. I figured they must have been eggs or something? And they were on fire. Flying through the air. Fire, flying through the air, being carried by ants. Ants that jump and fly and carry fire. Then I woke up. And had a brief, "oh thank goodness that was only a dream" moment.
It was Erin, she came out of her room, and she had a camera. Then, I noticed this pair of glasses sitting behind me that were on fire. I happened to be holding a really big, fancy camera, and wondered if Erin had set them on fire there in her living room intending to photograph them. I kept thinking that my first instinct should have been to put out the fire, but I didn't want to smash the glasses and I was so fascinated by the way they burned that I couldn't do much other than stare. I asked Erin if I should blow out the fire, or if she wanted to take pictures of it, and she seemed, what did she seem? She seemed unconcerned. We kneeled down and tried to take pictures of it, but the lens on my big fancy camera shot out SO far, and I was sure it was going to be on fire too, but it wasn't. But when I looked through the camera, I saw the lens and something else in the way, another pair of glasses, so I looked at the camera from above, and there was another pair of glasses, not flaming, resting on top of the hugely extended lens. I took them off, and took a few photos. Then, I blew out the flaming glasses. It took a few huffs and puffs, but I blew out the flame. Then, somehow as it often happens in dreams, instead of Erin with me, it was RJ, but I didn't know what name to use for him. He had opened up a drawer to get something out of it, and it was full of ants. They were not jumping ants, nor were they carrying flaming objects, but they kept trying to crawl all over me. I asked if we could close the drawer, and we did, but there were still ants, and I wondered if that's why I had been dreaming about ants in the first place, if some of them had already been crawling on me, and then I woke up. For real this time.
Moral of the story: Always eat almost a whole jar of fake nacho cheese before bed.