Oct 13, 2010 07:53
Well, I was really worried today was going to be a dud. All the signs were there - I got sick in the organising / promotion phase - the weather the night before was truly feral and there were other people organising similar breakfasts nearby, which I thought might "poach" people from the event
My doubts were unfounded. Ride to Work day in the Coburg Mall was a success. Around 70 people turned up, nearly all of them completed rider surveys. No-one went hungry or had to wait to get served or generally turned up and had a crap time.
We had the retiring member for Brunswick turn up and informally chat to participants - we gave away copies of our new transport strategy, and lots of people were interested in finding out more about the upcoming bike strategy.
Members of the local Bicycle Users Group chatted with Council staff about a grant they recently won - and were making grand plans to get 600 of people who don't currently ride on bikes.