The price of petrol starts to go up and the old 'consumer petrol boycott' email starts doing the rounds.
You know the one, it claims if drivers all stopped buying petrol the price will go down. Apparently this will work because the petrol price is artificially inflated by the (government | capitalist oligarchs). This cabal will apparently return petrol to its "natural" price of 80c/l AUD when subject to a wave of patriotic Australian people power boycotting the bowser.
Fortunately one brave soul on
aus.bicycle knows the sinister truth, namely the government, the oil companies, even the old sabre rattler George W Bush himself are but hapless slaves to our true masters.
As for all those people who elect not to use petrol until the pump price drops to 80 cents AUD per litre I say "Bring it". I'll be happy to explain how to get around town by public transport and show you how to fix a bike. You might be waiting for a while.