Alright, quick (hopefully) update before I goto sleep.
First of all, to all who pointed out my spelling mistakes: I hate you and I want you to die.
I didn't do much today past Karate. The cost is cheap as hell at $40 per semester, and it's just as fun as I remember it to be. I'm the best damn white belt ever. ^_^ Sophia didn't like it, however, because, in her own words, she "bows to no one." The words "no one" weren't emphasized, oddly enough, but I figured I'd italicize them
irregardless, just to point out how amusing that is. ^_^ That, and she claims that, due to her sex, she has no physical coordination, which is ok, because women as a sex have no physical coordination, which accounts for the complete nonexistance of competant female martial artists. That's completely insane, of course, but I could come up with no suitable example to the contrary, without broadly naming the random female practictioners I see in Chinese/Japanese movies. Can anyone think of a good example of a female martial artist? Were you one yourself?
Also, for a quick clarifying note, I had indeed seen Guu Deluxe and I must agree that it is indeed fucked up, y0. I still like the original series better, but Deluxe was definitely worth watching. I freakin loved that last episode. I'm a sucker for well done action sequences, even if it was a DBZ parody. Can't say I enjoy the ~12 minute episode thing, but hey, beggars can't be choosers. But yeah, I downloaded the first episode of FINAL, and there's apparantly a group (
AnimeJunkies) translating, but according to AnimeSuki, they haven't released a new episode since the fifth of this month. Unless Guu FINAL is monthly, which would absolutely astound me, we might not see much of it in the future. A shame indeed. :\
Let's see, other than that? I dunno. I listened to this freakin cool Japanese folk song sung by someone I've never heard of in Musc 46, but I'll probably have to go out and finally buy the textbook before I can actually hear it on my own. OK, I've lost my train of thought.
Oh, and to Kyle, I haven't actually seen Scryed, so I can't really say. The manga was boring as a mofo, though. They basically ripped off everything from the character designs to the manga style to the entire concept of the manga from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, which I will insist is a good manga until the day I die. However, I've been cursed by vengeful spirits, and everyone I show the series to henceforth thinks me a retard, so I'll refrain from posting a link. And saying you have less than a gig reminded me to mention this: I have 444MB after all the anime and etc that I've downloaded. OMG, 2am, time for sleep.