New Member Site and Update!

Sep 05, 2005 20:27

Site Name: Lyss*Recs
Site URL:

Recommending mostly BtVS, CCS, GW, HP, LotR, Naruto, PoT and SG-1, but there
are also many recs for other fandom, anime and otherwise with several more
in the works as I clean up my backlog. Fics vary between slash/yaoi, het and
gen depending on fandom.

Site name: Erin's Fanfic Reviews
Site url:

1 new rec/review. A gen crossover between The Invisible Man, The
Sentinel and Stargate SG-1.

|unfitforsociety, clamp: card captor sakura, harry potter, -- gen, -- het, --- animanga, -- slash/yaoi, gundam: gundam wing, naruto, stargate: sg1, --- rare/misc fandom, |lyss*recs, |- rec sites, jossverse: btvs, lord of the rings, prince of tennis, {updates

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