Welcome new site and site update!

Jan 26, 2005 20:59

Welcome new site: Just Browsing!

"Just Browsing" is a livejournal site devoted to multi-fandom recommendations. Expect to find classic stories mixed in with more recent offerings. Mostly slash with a sprinkling of gen.

Here is a link to the site: http://www.livejournal.com/users/califmole/

And here is a link to this month's recommendations: http://www.livejournal.com/users/califmole/5271.html

20 total recommendations: Brimstone (1), Farscape (1), Harry Potter (4), The Sentinel (1), Smallville (5), X-Files (4), crossovers (4).

Site name: oneiro.logos
Site URL: http://joanaseta.planetaclix.pt/fanfictions.htm

+ three new recs sections dedicated to:
-- Hikaru no Go (35 recs) ---> mainly Hikaru/Akira; other pairings
include Ogata/Arisugawa, Isumi/Waya and Kaga/Tsutsui
-- Kingdom Hearts (5 recs) ---> mainly Riku/Sora, with some
-- Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE (1 rec) ---> Touya/Yukito
-- Saiyuki (33 recs) ---> mainly Sanzo/Goku; also has Sanzo/Gojyo and
-- X/1999 (5 recs) ---> mainly Subaru/Seishirou, some Subaru/Kamui

+ new fic recs for the fadoms:
-- CLAMP (2 CLAMP School Detectives and 1 Card Captor Sakura recs
-- Digimon (9 added) ---> mainly Yamato/Taichi
-- Harry Potter (5 added) ---> mainly Remus/Sirius
-- Yami no Matsuei (18 added) ---> mainly Hisoka/Tsuzuki, some

--- panfandom, {out of service, brimstone, farscape, smallville, |califmole, harry potter, |- rec sites, -- crossover, x-files, {updates, the sentinel

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