Two New Sites / Poll Results

Nov 28, 2003 00:32

The Lone Reader:

"So far I've rec'd Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Smallville. But there will probably be a lot of other fandoms that will show up eventually. Also most of the stories are slash, though there will be a little gen mixed in."

Less Than Legendary Recommendations:

"Recs for Hercules: the Legendary Journeys and Young Hercules, with a
couple of Stargate and Invisible Man recs thrown in."

Poll results!

Almost from the get-go, we had a constant tie or near-tie on this. Even more surprisingly (to me, at least), "I don't care" had the lead whenever there wasn't a tie.

Closing results:

I don't care: 32
Post as they come in: 32
Post once a day: 31

So I'm sorry for making a third of the people less than happy, but I'll post them as they come in, unless they come in close together in which case I'll be able to make one post out of 'em.

Thanks for voting, everyone!

hercules-verse: hercules: tlj, {announcements, |less than legendary recs, --- rare/misc fandom, smallville, harry potter, stargate, -- het, -- slash/yaoi, |- rec sites, star wars, hercules-verse: young hercules, |sunsetride, invisible man

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