Two updates! Muggle-Worthy Recs and Addicted to Gay

May 15, 2004 22:47

Site name: Muggle-Worthy Recs
Site URL:

28 recs, primarily featuring Harry, Draco, Snape, Vernon, and the Weasley twins. Very little het this time, but plenty of gen. :)


Site name: Addicted to Gay
Site URL:

Addicted to Gay has been updated with a lot of new recs (upwards of 50). Most are well-known fics, but perhaps you'll find something you have read yet. Fandoms are: Harry Potter, X-Men, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Petshop of Horrors, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Card Captor Sakura, From Eroica With Love, Weiss Kreuz, Gundam Wing, Sorcerer Hunters, Final Fantasy VII, and X/Tokyo Babylon, as well as a few original and crossover recs.

{out of service

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