Site name: Fancake
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fancakeUpdates: Round 19 of fancake has ended with 182 recs in 60 fandoms, with the theme kidfic.
The fandoms recced were...
American Idol (2), As the World Turns (1), Bandom (25), Battlestar Galactica (2003) (2), Better Off Ted (3), The Black Jewels Series (1), Burn Notice (1), Calvin and Hobbes (1), Criminal Minds (1), CW RPF (3), Dark Angel (1), DC Universe (4), Doctor Who (5), due South (4), Eureka (1), Fake News (1), The Family Man (1), Generation Kill (1), Gundam Wing (2), Harry Potter (7), Hawaii Five-0 (1), Hellsing (4), Hockey RPF (2), House, MD (1), I Want to Go Home (1), Inception (3), Justice League (1), Marvel Avengers Movies (8), Merlin (1), Naruto (4), Nash Bridges (1), Natsume Yuujinchou (4), One Piece (1), Pet Shop of Horrors (1), Psych (1), Sailor Moon (1), The Sarah Jane Adventures (4), The Sentinel (10), Sherlock (BBC) (9), Sherlock Holmes (movie/book) (1), Smallville (4), The Social Network (5), Star Trek Reboot (5), Star Trek RPF (1), Star Trek: Enterprise (2), Star Trek: The Original Series (2), Star Wars (2), Stargate SG-1 (2), Stargate: Atlantis (24), Supernatural (5), Survivors (2008) (1), Teen Wolf (1), Temeraire (1), Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2), Thor (1), Torchwood (3), Vampire Diaries (1), White Collar (1), The X-Files (5), X-Men (movies) (1).
The theme for round 20 is fork in road AUs.