[Site Update] Espresso Recommendations

Jul 10, 2012 20:33

Site name: Espresso Recommendations
Site URLs: archive; updates on dw & lj
Updates: 50 recs since the last announcement:

Fairy tales (5), Buffyverse (4), Shakespeare (4), Historical RPF (3), Doctor Who (2), Earthsea (2), Galaxy Quest (2), Star Trek: Deep Space 9 (2), Star Trek Reboot (2), plus one each in Aladdin, American Gods, Bible, Blackadder, Calvin & Hobbes, Chinese poetry, Dark is Rising, Drive, Hainish Cycle, HP Lovecraft, James Bond, Little Women, Maltese Falcon, Mary Poppins, Matrix trilogy, Nineteen Eighty-Four, Pan's Labyrinth, Peter Pan, PG Wodehouse, Power of Three (Diana Wynne Jones), Rear Window, Shakespeare Retold, Sound of Music, Spirited Away, These Old Shades (Georgette Heyer) & Twin Peaks.

peter pan, georgette heyer, blackadder, twin peaks, star trek: xi, diana wynne jones, pan's labyrinth, star trek: deep space nine, james bond, earthsea, little women, disney: aladdin, dark is rising, |espresso recommendations, spirited away, calvin and hobbes, the matrix, shakespeare, galaxy quest, who-verse: doctor who, bible, fairy tales, rpf: historical, jossverse: btvs, american gods, {updates, sound of music, jeeves and wooster

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