[Site Update] bethbethbeth fic-and-recs journal

Feb 01, 2011 19:10

Site name: bethbethbeth fic-and-recs journal
Site URL(s): http://beth-h.dreamwidth.org/ (originally a mirror of Recs Recs Recs: http://beth-h.mrks.org/Recs.html but now my primary recs site)
Updates: 14 recs in 8 fandoms

Commercials (1), Fairy Tales (1), Frankenstein (1), Good Omens (1), Harry Potter (6), The King's Speech (1), Merlin (1), Sherlock Holmes (3)

good omens, sherlock holmes, |bethbethbeth's fic-and-recs journal, frankenstein, fairy tales, harry potter, king's speech, {updates, commercials, merlin: bbc

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