- Site name: Unfit for Society Recs (unfitforsociety)
Site URL(s): Unfit for Society Recs
Updates: unfitforsociety has been updated with 15 recs for November 2009:
* 3 Supernatural
* 3 crossovers
* 2 White Collar
* 2 Harry Potter
* 2 StarTrek Reboot
* 1 each Big Bang Theory, Dark Angel, and Psych - Site name: Tanoshii na Mono
Site URLs: tanomono (journal), Tanoshii na Mono (site archive)
Updates: 27 new recs in the following fandoms:
(2) American Idol
(2) Buffy the Vampire Slayer
(1) Firefly/Serenity
(2) Merlin
(1) Naruto
(2) Stargate Atlantis
(14) Supernatural
(3) Supernatural RPS
Mod's notes: Apologies for the late posting. GMail sent these updates to the spam folder and it's only by accident that I came across them. /o\