[Site Update] Through the Looking Glass - Alternative Universe Recs & Crossover Recs

Oct 18, 2009 13:44

Site name: Through the Looking Glass - Alternative Universe Recs
Site URL(s): http://www.ratcreature.net/fannish_stuff/au_recs.php
Reccer(s): ratcreature
Updates: 16 new AU recs (1 Harry Potter, 5 Stargate: Atlantis, 6 Star Trek: Reboot, 4 Supernatural)

Site name: Crossover Recs
Site URL(s): http://www.ratcreature.net/fannish_stuff/crossover_recs.php
Reccer(s): ratcreature
Updates: 12 new crossover recs (Battlestar Galactica (2003)/Star Trek: Reboot, Bones/Stargate: Atlantis, Criminal Minds/Supernatural, Daredevil/X-Men, Dune/Star Trek: Reboot, Farscape/Star Trek: Deep Space 9, Highlander/Star Trek: Reboot, Muppet Show/Star Trek, Numb3rs/Supernatural, Spider-Man/X-Men, Supernatural/Terminator, Supernatural/The X-Files)

spider-man, x-men, bones, star trek: xi, harry potter, star trek: deep space nine, daredevil, battlestar galactica: 2003, |crossover recs, numb3rs, the terminator, supernatural, criminal minds, |through the looking glass, farscape, dune, muppet show, highlander, star trek, stargate: atlantis, {updates

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