[Site Update] Reality Is For Those Who Lack Imagination

May 30, 2009 17:31

Site name: Reality Is For Those Who Lack Imagination
Site URL(s): http://dodificus.dreamwidth.org
Updates: 26 recs for the month of May, in the following fandoms

Die Hard (john/matt), Due South (fraser/kowalski), Iron Man, Jonas Brothers (joe/nick), Lost Boys (michael/sammy), Merlin (arthur/merlin), NCIS (tony/ziva), Psych (shawn/lassiter), RPF (jared/genevieve/jensen, jared/jensen, chris pine/george clooney/zachary quinto), SGA (john/rodney, john/rodney/ronon/teyla), Supernatural (sam/dean, dean/castiel/anna, sam/dean/lucifer, dean/castiel) in fic, vids and podfic.

rpf: music: jonas brothers, iron man, die hard, ncis, rpf: actors: cw, - podfic, supernatural, |dodificus, c6d: due south, rpf: actors: star trek, psych, stargate: atlantis, - fanvid, lost boys, {updates, merlin: bbc

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