Three new sites

Nov 18, 2003 23:23

Howdy, folks! Three new sites added:

Oceana's Slash Recommendations - "I rec mainly Stargate SG-1, some CSI and Harry Potter, and there are also a few rather lonely Due South recs. Mostly slash."

Lege Librum - "I rec everything--the Sentinel, Due South, Smallville, Harry Potter, the Professionals, Sports Night, Angel & Buffy, etc."

McKay's Fanfiction Reviews - "Harry Potter fandom only"

If you're looking for links to the earlier new sites, just check the recsrainbow page -- they're all listed on the left. By request, I'll be including the URLs here in these mailings.

Thanks everyone!

stargate: sg1, |oceanas_recs, c6d: due south, {announcements, {out of service, |fanfiction_geek, harry potter, csi, -- slash/yaoi, |- rec sites

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