Site name: twasadark
Site URL(s):,, Reccer(s):
twasadarkIntro: I mainly rec Dark Angel and Supernatural fanfic. I also do podfics and vids occasionally. The crossover recs of DA and Supernaturual have included Sons of Anarchy, Superman, and Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles. Occasionally I'll rec other fandoms like Leverage and James Bond. For Dark Angel all the fics, podfics and vids are somehow Alec-related, and include gen, het, and slash. For Supernatural, I also rec gen, het, slash, and rps. I blather on about all kinds of things on my journal so you're best off clicking my fic/vid/podfic recs tag if that's what you want.
Fandom List:
Dark Angel
Stargate Atlantis
Supernatural/Boondock Saints
Supernatural/Dark Angel
Supernatural/Sons of Anarchy
Supernatural/Terminator: Sarah Connor Chronicles
James Bond