[Site Update] Reality is for those who lack imagination

May 30, 2008 14:38

Site name: Reality is for those who lack imagination
Site URL(s): http://dodificus.livejournal.com/
Updates: A total of 31 recs in the month of May for the following fandoms

24, Battlestar Galactica (sam/kara/leoben), Die Hard (john/matt), Firefly (rodney/river), House (house/wilson, house/foreman), House Of Wax, Macdonald Hall (boots/bruno), RPS (jared/jensen), SGA (john/rodney), Stargate (jack/daniel), Supernatural (sam/dean), Torchwood (jack/ianto), Wodehouse (jeeves/wooster), in fic, vids and podfic

korman: bruno and boots, die hard, stargate, rpf: actors: cw, jossverse: firefly/serenity, - podfic, supernatural, |dodificus, 24, battlestar galactica, rpf, stargate: atlantis, who-verse: torchwood, - fanvid, house of wax, house m.d., {updates, jeeves and wooster

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