[New Rec Site] Bulchibyung

May 08, 2008 10:53

Site name: Bulchibyung
Site URL(s): http://community.livejournal.com/bulchibyung
Reccer(s): I'm greenie_cgv but I only mod the community. Reccers atm are junyoo, scylladakylla, meitachi, hoyah, dear_whimsy and ricciolo. Membership of the comm is restricted to members of the Rec Team, but everyone else is welcome to friend the comm.
Intro: We're a K-pop fanfic recommendation community, so anything K-pop goes, no matter what the genre or rating. With the amount of boybands we have, a lot of the recs are for slashfics, but there's a smattering of het and gen too. The frequently-updated list of recs is here.
Fandom List: So far, the Rec Team have recced fics from Anyband, Big Bang, DBSK, Epik High and Super Junior.

rpf: music: k-pop: anyband, rpf: music: k-pop: super junior, rpf: music: k-pop, rpf: music: k-pop: epik high, |bulchibyung, -- gen, rpf: music: k-pop: dbsk, -- het, -- slash/yaoi, |- rec sites, rpf: music: k-pop: big bang

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