[Site Update] HieroglyFICS Recs

Oct 17, 2007 19:16

Site name: HieroglyFICS Recs
Site url: http://hieroglyfics.net/recs (NEW)
Updates HieroglyFICS Recs, which went down in January 2007 is back from the dead with a new URL, a new look, and new fanfiction and fanvid recommendations.

Currently, all recs made on my lj (isiscolo) in 2007 are on the site, and I'm slowly filling in the earlier ones. As of today there are due South (40), Harry Potter (3), SGA (16), Slings and Arrows (2), Wilby Wonderful (5), Hard Core Logo (10), and other fandoms (multifandom, Heroes, Hornblower, The Charioteer, Men With Brooms, Hitchhiker's Guide, Master and Commander - total of 9); 13 recs are for fanvids.

c6d: slings and arrows, |hieroglyfics, c6d: men with brooms, harry potter, age of sail: master and commander, heroes, c6d: hard core logo, the charioteer, hitchhiker's guide, c6d: due south, age of sail: horatio hornblower, --- panfandom, --- rare/misc fandom, c6d: wilby wonderful, stargate: atlantis, - fanvid, |- rec sites, {updates

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