[Site Update] Reality is for those who lack imagination

Jul 30, 2007 15:01

Site name: Reality is for those who lack imagination
Site URL(s): http://dodificus.livejournal.com
Updates: A total of 31 recs for the month of July in the following fandoms:

Alias (Jack/Vaughn), Buffy (Connor/Dawn), Due South (Fraser/Kowalski), The Faculty (Casey/Zeke/Delilah), Firefly (Jayne/Simon), Heroes (Nathan/Peter, Peter/Sylar, gen), Numb3rs (Don/Charlie), RPF (Jared/Jensen, Jensen/Jared/Jeffrey), Smallville (Lex/Clark), Stargate (Jack/Daniel), Stargate Atlantis (John/Rodney, Rodney/Ronon, Carson/Ronon), Supernatural (Sam/Dean, John/Dean, Dean/OMC, gen), The Sentinel (Jim/Blair), in fic and podfic

the faculty, -- gen, alias, numb3rs, rpf: actors: cw, heroes, jossverse: firefly/serenity, - podfic, supernatural, stargate: sg1, |dodificus, c6d: due south, smallville, rpf, stargate: atlantis, jossverse: btvs, the sentinel, {updates

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