[Site Update] Sekhmet Fanfiction Recommendations

Jul 12, 2007 13:28

Site name: Sekhmet Fanfiction Recommendations
Site URL: http://community.livejournal.com/sekhmet_ficrecs/
Updates: To date we have added 69 recs in the following categories:
19 crossovers, 10 heroes, 16 harry potter, 6 supernatural, 3 angel the series, 4 buffy the vampire slayer, 4 pirates of the caribbean, 5 stargate atlantis, 4 west wing and one each of the following: blade: trinity, boondock saints, discworld, kiss kiss bang bang, life on mars, sandman and 2 discworld

jossverse: ats, harry potter, age of sail: pirates of the caribbean, -- crossover, sandman, heroes, |sekhmet_ficrecs, supernatural, west wing, blade: trinity, life on mars, stargate: atlantis, boondock saints, kiss kiss bang bang, jossverse: btvs, discworld, {updates

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