[Side Update] Recs@paperpilots.net

Jan 19, 2007 20:11

Site name: Recs@paperpilots.net
Site URL(s): http://recs.paperpilots.net

FPF: Brimstone (slash), BSG (gen, het), BtVs (gen), CSI (slash), Dr. Who (het), House (het, slash), HP (slash), Lost (gen), Nochnoi Dozor (slash), OC (threesome), PotC (gen), PotO (het), Robin Hood (slash), Rome (slash), SGA (gen, het, slash, threesome), Scrubs (gen), Smallville (gen), Supernatural (gen, threesome), Torchwood (gen, slash), WaT (slash)
Misc gen (Dexter, Heroes, Justice, Neverwhere), Misc het (Before Sunrise/Before Sunset, Brick, Cabaret, Casino Royale, Dexter, SG-1, Ugly Betty), Misc Slash (28 days later, Cabaret, Casino Royale, Dracula, Gone with the wind, History Boys, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang,
cross overs (gen, slash)
RPF: SGA Acting (slash). Misc acting (slash)
VIDS: Gen (Matrix, SGA)

lost, rome, 28 days later, robin hood, harry potter, -- gen, gone with the wind, without a trace, -- het, night watch/nochnoi dozor, age of sail: pirates of the caribbean, dexter, heroes, supernatural, stargate: sg1, scrubs, rpf: actors, who-verse: doctor who, battlestar galactica, smallville, -- poly, |recs @ paperpilots.net, who-verse: torchwood, jossverse: btvs, the o.c., rpf: actors: stargate: atlantis, dracula, history boys, cabaret, -- slash/yaoi, -- crossover, phantom of the opera, neverwhere, the matrix, csi, ugly betty, justice, stargate: atlantis, - fanvid, kiss kiss bang bang, house m.d., james bond: casino royale, {updates, brick, before sunrise/before sunset

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