[Site Update] Slash Recs To Sit Still For

Jan 01, 2007 23:10

Site name: Slash Recs To Sit Still For
Site URL(s): http://www.recxfx.livejournal.com.
Updates: Updates for Slash Recs To Sit Still For has been updated with 15 recs in the following fandoms-

Harry Potter - 2
My Chemical Romance- 3
Supernatural- 2
Buffy- 2
Figure Skating Slash- 2
Misc- 2

rpf: music: popslash: *nsync, --- rare/misc fandom, harry potter, rpf: music: popslash, rpf: sports: figure skating, rpf: music: bandom: mcr, |recxfx, jossverse: btvs, {updates, supernatural

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