New member site, with update!

Jan 02, 2004 09:25

Through the Looking Glass:

"It's a multi-fandom rec site for Alternate Universe fanfic. The stories can be gen, slash or het, and I rec WIPs too, though I'll mark those as such.

I updated today with 8 new recs (one Batman Comics, two Sentinel, one Smallville, four X-Men).

The fandoms represented so far are: Andromeda, Babylon 5, Batman, Buffy/Angel, Due South, Farscape, LOTR, Roswell, Sentinel, Smallville, Star Wars TPM, X-Files and X-Men.

Sentinel and Smallville make up 28, respectively 13 of the total 70 recs so far, so those two fandoms are disproportionately represented."


andromeda, jossverse: ats, x-men, roswell, star wars: the phantom menace, -- gen, -- het, -- slash/yaoi, x-files, babylon 5, c6d: due south, |through the looking glass, --- panfandom, farscape, smallville, |- rec sites, jossverse: btvs, lord of the rings, dcu: batman, the sentinel

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