[New Rec Site] Nomad's Multifandom Gen Recs

Oct 28, 2006 04:48

Site name: Nomad's Multifandom Gen Recs
Site URL(s): http://community.livejournal.com/nomads_gen_recs/.
Reccer(s): Nomad (nomadicwriter).
Intro: Most active fandoms are Stargates SG-1 and Atlantis, Star Wars, and Harry Potter. I also rec Babylon 5, Buffy, Discworld, Due South, Good Omens, House, The West Wing, and several other TV and book fandoms. Recs are overwhelmingly gen, but both het and slash may crop up occasionally.

I'll be posting five or six recs a day initially, because I have a backlog of recs to repost that used to be on my old website.

good omens, harry potter, -- gen, -- het, -- slash/yaoi, babylon 5, stargate: sg1, west wing, c6d: due south, --- rare/misc fandom, stargate: atlantis, |nomads_gen_recs, jossverse: btvs, |- rec sites, star wars, house m.d., discworld

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