[New Rec Site] Minions' Fic Recs

May 31, 2006 19:33

Site name: Minions' Fic Recs
Site URL: Minions
Reccer(s): aliaspiral and, on occasion, sirkpega
Intro: HP, Firefly, House, XMM, Gilmore Girls, Stargate SG1, Joan of Arcadia, Earth 2, Vorkosigan Novels, Constantine, Lost, Pitch Black...anything that catches our attention. We rec gen, het and slash.

lost, harry potter, -- gen, -- het, -- slash/yaoi, x-men: movieverse, earth 2, vorkosigan, jossverse: firefly/serenity, stargate: sg1, gilmore girls, |minionsficrecs, pitch black, joan of arcadia, |- rec sites, house m.d., constantine

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