[New Rec Site] Recs For All Occasions

May 01, 2006 08:57

Site name: Recs for All Occasions
Site URL(s): http://community.livejournal.com/fairestrecs/
Reccer(s): fairestcat
Intro: I read and rec all kinds of fic in a variety of fandoms. My current main reading fandoms are Horatio Hornblower and Stargate: Atlantis, but I'm also actively doing at least some reading in Pirates of the Caribbean, Due South, Battlestar Galactica (New Series), House, Master & Commander, Dr. Who (9th and 10th Doctors), Firefly, the Vorkosigan Series and various and other sundry fandoms that catch my attention on any given day. I have a particular fondness for small and obscure fandoms, especially those of an SFnal or Historical bent.

I rec slash, het, gen and poly about a wide variety of characters and pairings. I go through phases where I'm more focused on one pairing or fandom, but I am deliberately and terminally multi-fandom and multi-pairing. I do, however, have a freely admitted weakness for well done poly fic.

All recs are archived by fandom in my memories or browsable by tags.

age of sail: master and commander, -- gen, -- het, age of sail: pirates of the caribbean, -- slash/yaoi, battlestar galactica: 2003, |fairestrecs, jossverse: firefly/serenity, vorkosigan, c6d: due south, age of sail: horatio hornblower, --- panfandom, who-verse: doctor who, -- poly, stargate: atlantis, |- rec sites

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