Site name: Rec-readactional
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rec_a_day A multi-fandom fic recs journal with heavy anime/manga
leanings, along with xovers, House, Harry Potter, West
Wing and science fiction cult series. One rec a day is
posted, and only completed fics are considered.
Current recs:
*crossovers: 1 entry
calvin & hobbes: 1 entry
demon diary: 1 entry
detective conan/magic kaitou: 2 entries
full metal alchemist: 1 entry
harry potter: 4 entries
hikaru no go: 1 entry
house m.d.: 2 entries
naruto: 3 entries
prince of tennis: 1 entry
sailor moon: 1 entry
the west wing: 1 entry
x: 1999/tokyo babylon: 1 entry
xxxholic: 2 entries
yu yu hakusho: 2 entries