Supernatural, Dean, Sam
"The Late Late Late Show" by cadhla PG -- Dean and Sam need to stop an invasion of zombies that doesn't technically exist.
Torchwood, Jack, Ianto
"Scrapings" by mllelaurel PG 13 -- Bringing Lisa home.
Torchwood, ensemble
"Five Ways Ianto Jones Said Sorry" by sage_theory PG -- In a few years, maybe, the stains will start to come out.
Torchwood, Jack/Estelle, Jack/Ianto
"To the End" by sheldrake PG 13 -- "Do you ever feel like, I don't know, like you're living inside a bubble?"
Veronica Mars, Veronica/Lamb
"Hide and Seek" by monimala R -- "But I'm sure these boys know that you just want to frisk me."
Smallville RPS, Tom Welling/Michael Rosenbaum
"Life, Non-Fat" by toomuchplor NC 17 -- Broken marriages, friends and coffee.