SGA rps, Joe Flanigan/David Hewlett:
A Saturday in Paris by Velocitygrass (Explicit). Joe went back to drinking his coffee and reading the foreign country section of the newspaper. He was so engrossed that he was surprised when someone sat down next to him, shoving a cup of coffee and a plate with raspberry pie onto the table.
SGA rps, Joe Flanigan/David Hewlett:
The Letter by Mezzo_Cammin (Teen). It arrived in a plain white envelope, stacked neatly and inconspicuously in the pile of mail that the studio had forwarded to him. Fan letters.
SGA rps, Joe Flanigan/David Hewlett:
You Don't Have to Know the Language by Lamarduese (Explicit). Joe's second month in Paris, the woman upstairs who claims to be a dancer but sounds like a fucking construction worker clomping around in steel-toed boots whenever she practices gets herself a boyfriend. At least Joe guesses it's a boy; he only ever sees him from the back and he's got one of those Princess Di blond feather cuts, a cloud of hair enveloping his skull, making it appear twice as big as it probably is.
BSG rpf, Katee Sackhoff/Michael Trucco:
Making Apologies by Lyssie (Explicit). "You dropped me on purpose," he mutters. Pushing up on her toes, she parts her lips, teasingly getting closer and closer to his mouth. "Maybe." She acknowledges, drawing the a out.
BSG rpf, James Callis/Head!Six:
Shade of Scarlet by Noplacespecial (Explicit): Battlestar's been over for six months and he's still seeing her. (On AO3)
SPN rps, Jensen Ackles/Jared Padalecki:
So Close to My Heart by Audrarose (Explicit). There was a photograph tacked up on the refrigerator. He had to stop and look, then take it down and tip it into the light over the sink. It was of the three of them at the park, him and Jensen and Jonah, all winter light and soft focus.
May I please have a tag for BSG rpf?