BtVs, BSG, Dollhouse, Firefly, Star Trek XI,

Jun 22, 2009 17:36

BtVs, Xander, Ensemble "Running in Place" by wal_lace PG 13 - When the dead started coming back, Buffy tried talking to them. It didn't work, so after that she tried fighting them. That didn't really work either."

Firefly, Ensemble "Homestead" by inlovewiththenight PG 13 - 'Won't be at Persephone. Brother's found trouble, gotta help him out. Sell my gear. Wire the credits. Keep Vera if you want. Sorry for the trouble. J. Cobb'

Star Trek XI/Various, Ensemble "People Who Repair Quantums, or Five Planets The Enterprise Never Visited" by ignipes PG 13 - "So you're a drug-addicted messianic cult dedicated to drinking your own distilled urine so your descendants generations down the road can grow palm trees. How's that working out for you?"

Vid Recs

BSG "Dust in the Wind" (Daughter Darling) by chamalla Ensemble - All we are is dust in the wind.

Dollhouse "Glittering Cloud" (Imogen Heap) by fadingspark Ensemble - It's something I become.

Dollhouse "Let Go" (Frou Frou) by Elekta Ensemble - Let go.

Star Trek Reboot "Don't Stop Believing" (Glee cast) by arefadedaway Kirk/Spock - Kirk, Spock, and that midnight train Enterprise.

star trek, btvs/ats, [crossovers], bsg, [vids], dollhouse, firefly

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