Problem Child

Jul 20, 2004 15:58

What do you say to an employee who has had three letters of reprimand regarding discourteous behavior towards customers? How many times can you be warned of a possible termination before it actually seeps into your brain that your conduct determines your ability to keep your job?

I was at a meeting yesterday where we were discussing employee related problems. I was new to the meeting so I wasn’t very familiar with the characters so it was amazing how some employee’s names - the mere mention of it - could cause everyone in the table to roll their eyes, shrug their shoulders and heave a worried sigh. These apparently, are the "problem children," thorns to every supervisor and manager’s back. These are the employees who for some reason are always somehow involved in - even instigating - trouble. I’d go as far as calling them blacklisted.

I guess some employees just don’t have a clue? Or worse, maybe they do and they are milking the system for all its worth, pushing the envelope just a little further to test someone’s patience, and we the employers are the clueless ones. It could be, you know...
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