
Sep 05, 2010 22:43

How useless the entire world is
Smothered in lies and evil
But ... what is good and what is the truth?
Being seen as strange for thinking so deeply about the simplest of things
Easy, isn't it?
Only needing yourself and able to take on the world alone, yeah right
Putting on a stupid little act as the biggest guard
The unbreakable brick wall in front of the heart and mind
So uncomfortable in this shell
Words stop at the lips, never coming out, never letting out a sound
Starting to think this empty feeling was normal and okay to live with
Keeping all thoughts and feelings to self,
Suffocating and wanting out of your own flesh,
It gets to the point where the correct term for this is "self mutilation"
When being touched seems like a bad and scary thing
Having to tilt your head in confusion when asked
What "happiness" or what "love" was
Having zero faith in this fucked up world,
Having zero faith in myself ...
Seems like the beginning, yet much wanted end,
To such a painful and useless existance


But then there was you.
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