great. everything i studied for gp did NOT come out at all.
i was deliberating on whether to attempt the 'health or wealth' qns, since it's so secondary school right. but halfway through the planning, i realised there a serious lack of points. and that was already 10 min into the paper. jialat.
then i embarked on another qn. one that i never would have tot of doing in my entire life.
here's the qn:
"i will always be 'Made in Singapore'". how reasonable it is for your generation to agree to this statement.
wah biang! amidst writing the paper, i was like, why the hell did i even choose this qns, though i could generate quite a few points as compared to the health wealth one. aiya, just hope to pass lah!
and for paper 2, just satisfied that i could actually finish the paper 30s before the end, because ive never written a complete AQ before in an exam. c'mon let me pass gp!
so exams have already started and the next paper is like a month from now. but there's lessons every single day until the 8th. wow how nice! so that means we only have a solid 3 weeks for revision. and chem itself already has about 20 chapters. fyi, i have 3 thick files of chem notes. this is like the combination of physics and econs pls. good luck to me!
it just doesnt feel like an exam. i dunno why, perhaps i havent been able to turn around quite yet, but i seriously, really, form the bottom of my heart want to focus on my studies already. cos at the end of the day there's no subject in As called house comm. okay what a lousy statement, but thats not the point, i wanna do well!
now ive only my classmates and friends to look forward to when in school. other than that, perhaps the canteen food? yuck! hell no. and there's no more excuse for not studying, for not doing when during tests and exams and very quickly it'll be As already. argh! study study study!!!!