Oct 20, 2010 14:21
I don't need to bitch about much in this entry. I have plenty to say, but I would love for this entry to be a positive one. For starters, I've lost hella weight. I'm proud to be able to control my calorie intake. It is something that is always on my mind and quite frankly that is not a bad thing. I have just come to the realization that I was not born with a small frame, my body weight fluctuates and I love food. If you put everything together, you'll see that if I don't work hard to be at my healthy weight, it's too easy to go to the dark side.
I've also come to realize that I am now okay with being open about having a relationship. I don't want to be in one just to be in one. I do though want to be able to share moments and feelings with this person because we are chemically aligned and our hearts are in the right place with each other. I left the last relationship for many reasons, but mainly because I hadn't worked on myself. Working on myself doesn't necessarily have to happen without someone there. I will always be working on myself. I will always be learning from my mistakes. I will always be haunted from the past. It's about owning your life: responsibilities, actions, and sayings. It's not until I grab life from the ball's, squeeze hard and make it mine, that things will work out smoothly.