Ok, so let me take this time to apologize to any of you who are Jewish. This has NOTHING to do with critisizing your culture. Please do not take offense. :) Loveyouall!
A: Me
K: Kailin
A: hahahhaha k that made me laugh out load
K: sorry..little hannakuh pooped out
A: wtf?!??!
K: hahahhaha
A: hahahha
K: jewish people say HOPA
A: i'm laughing so hard right now
A: yes
A: I know
A: but... little hannakuh.... pooping
K: lol
A: hahahaha
K: gotta watch out for me i poop hannakuh on a regular basis
A: hahahha
A: you like look in the toilet and there's a menorah and a dredel
K: hahahhahaa
K: and a little man yelling HOPAAA!
A: hahahaha
K: hahhaha
K: and smashing a plate
A: I don't know why i'm laughing SOOO loud right now
K: hahaha
A: a yamaka
K: hahha
K: i dont really know either hahaha
A: how is that spelled?
A: were so cultured
K: lol
K: mozel toff!
A: hahah
K: i have no idea