my friend
chemgal18 tagged me with the 10 Random Things about Yourself meme, so here goes.
1. I hate cilantro.
2. I LOVE Judge Reinhold. He's so hot. And I think Jason kind of looks like him, when Judge was younger. I wish he'd make another movie. I'd watch it, even if it sucked.
3. I like making paper cranes, but I don't have the discipline to make 1000. Although I need the good fortune, so maybe I should get on with that.
4. I hate it when people wear dark socks and shorts. I make Jason change his socks if he tries to do that. I'm not sure why I feel so strongly about it, but it really is a visceral reaction.
5. My favorite homemade cookie is the snickerdoodle, thanks to
cheerfulchaotic who introduced me to them in college. I think his aunt made them for him.
6. One of my guiltiest pleasures is eating saltines after dipping them in any sweet carbonated beverage. The combination of salt and fizz is nice.
7. I've worn glasses since I was 5 years old and feel naked without them. I don't think I will ever wear contacts.
8. I've never had a cavity in my teeth. That's probably due to fluorinated water in Owensboro and good genetics.
9. I once taught Dylan how to use a pipettor in the lab. He really enjoyed that, but he got the water he was pipetting everywhere.
10. I can't stand Pachelbel's Canon, in any form. It just gets on my nerves for some reason.
I guess I'm supposed to tag somebody. Maybe
warriormouse ? If you haven't done it already, of course.