It wasn't me.... Honest.

Jul 31, 2008 21:19

Your result for The What Type of Villain Are You? Test...
Next-Door Assassin

You are sane, with a personal agenda, and a contented outlook on life. You are the Next-Door Assassin!

Of all the other villains, you can most easily "pass" for normal. You are the nice next door neighbor who would be everyone's last guess for being a gun for hire. You might be married, and even have children, but they have nothing to fear from you. They may even be your partners in crime.

You are reasonable about your vices. Maybe you enjoy killing for it's own sake, maybe you do it for the money. But you always do a good clean-up and tie up your loose ends. You are capable of being ruthless when your home and family are threatened, but you prefer to be generous when you can afford to be.

You have no enemies (no one suspects what you are), no subjects, no minions (although maybe an apprentice to pass on your craft), but you probably have a lover (or two), perhaps a spouse and children. You may be an independent contractor, or have one or two contacts who feed you leads.

Beware of jealous rivals! But be even more leery of falling in love with family members of victims. You are most likely to be killed by a knife through the heart by a lover who discovers that you killed their little brother. You won't even defend yourself against them. Other than that, you are the most likely of all the villains to die a natural death of old age.

See all the categories:

The Mad Misanthrope

The Carefree Villain

The Mad Scientist


The Vengeful

The Next-Door Assassin

The Jaded Villain

The Altruist
Take The What Type of Villain Are You? Test at HelloQuizzy
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