*This is a response to post, the original blog can be found at this link*
http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=15547852&blogID=29270929&Mytoken=20050605205354 Maybe you wrote this rant in a time of frustration and I can go with the assumption that someone you were talking to or something you read upset you enough to get you to write this blog. Maybe you were heated with passion as you wrote this, which is what is how the tone carries the piece. Maybe you meant the 'hippie' character to be a stereotype and this whole thing is a satyre, and that's your intention. Whatever fueled you to write this, it's an excellent cause, but if you did not intend to stereotype on purpose then I feel the need to state that not all those who call themselves hippies are vegetarians, and not all vegetarians are hippies.
I think some of the views you presented are legit, and there are some people out there who have unrealistic views about what is needed to survive and the subjective nature of what is "humane" makes finding a common ground a challenge. I can respect what this blog is trying to say, and trying to bring to light, the part I don't agree with however is the title. Vegetarians should not be compared to nazis, genocide of people is different than genocide of plants. You can regrow a plant but a human's life is once and over. Yes, I know that the plant has a life and the regrown plant is not the same one, but my logic comes from the view that plants and animals are for the use of humans, and a human loss is different than a plant loss because of the capability of cognitive thought. Yes, I love animals, very much, but meat is something beneficial to our diets and if the animals are treated in what is my definition of humane, an ethical treatment, not the crackerbox wire cage method but free-range, we can sacrifice what is needed to get by. Sorry, i'll never be a vegetarian, I like my meat too much. If you don't want to be a vegetarian but you want to do what you can to support the ethical treatment of animals, you don't have to be a PETA member, just do what you can at your local grocery store. Buy free-range eggs, don't buy tv dinners, there is a program called Wonder Showzen (something good actually came out of MTV) that has young kids making a satyre of important issues. One episode is all about how tv dinners are made (the chickens are feathered and boiled alive).
Brand name products use sweatshop labor (think Nike). The best advice I can give is to research the products you buy, and for your own health shop for organic foods. I recommend Trader Joes and local fruit and vegetable stands. You'll get something healthier from organic stands like Fairview Gardens because they grow and pick their own food, you can see them grow it, and they use natural pesticides which are not as harmful to your body. You'd also be supporting your local growers which helps your community and devalues huge corporate companies like Starbucks. I think it's important for each of us to try and save local culture and fight against the trend toward corporate America. Goleta is beautiful for it's small shops and privately owned businesses. Go to a local coffee shop instead of Starbucks, you'll probably find a more comfortable environment and better tasting coffee.
I know I went far from the topic of Vegetarians, but, oh well, I hope you enjoy the topic which Woolard provided once again. I love this guy, he brings up the best discussions. Thanks for the inspiration again. :)
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