Jun 19, 2005 00:27
Tonight I did my first shift as a caterer for Country Meat Market Catering Services. Oddly enough this business is next door to the last place I worked, The Good Earth, if I continue down this path I'll be working at Zodo's next; bowling anyone? I got the opportunity to take this job when a friend of mine and former coworker called me to tell me she couldn't make her shift this weekend and asked if I wanted to cover. I found this a little odd since I'd filled in an application a couple of weeks before and hadn't heard back from the manager yet so I didn't even know if I'd been hired, and here I was being offered a shift. I went into the establishment and asked the manager if my friend had called to tell her I was taking over her shift and he said that she hadn't. After talking to me for a bit he decided to give me the shift anyway!
I got the the Country Meat Market at 2:30 and met Kim. We both thought that there were going to be more people there but when we didn't see any we concluded they must already be at the site. The site ended up being one exit down on Turnpike at The Racket Club. It was a cute little pool house and we could tell by the set up that this reception was going to be small, later to find out a mere 85 people. The meal was really simple, BBQ chicken and tri tip, potato salad, green salad, and garlic bread, with appetizers of severl fruit and vegetable platters. The "bar" as we called it, served wine coolers, soda, water, and Budweiser in a keg. Now, I've never worked a keg before but aparently this one wasn't working too well. I've been told that you're supposed to pump it a few times every few drinks in order for the beer to keep running smoothly, but our tap was broken so I had to pump every beer into a cup, each pump producing less than a spoonful of beer. Needlesstosay my arms are very tired from three hours of this.
No one seemed happy at first. All of the guests showed up silently, dragging their feet behind them obviously damaged by previous hours in high heels. The bride and groom didn't even seem happy and were rarely seen with each other the entire night. They sat at different tables. Half way through the reception the bride walked off by herself into darkness and twenty minutes later people began to look for her. She showed up in the next ten minutes. Several times throughout the evening the bride was taken aside by either her father or father-in-law and they talked together in private.
The job was awesome. It was easy. All I had to do was stand and look professional, pour drinks, and change out food stuffs when supplies ran low. At the end of the evening while everyone dance we cleaned up, dancing in the backgrounds. I snuck Kim and I some cake and we chowed down behind the scenes. We got back to base at 11:30. So, 2:30-11:30 = 9 hours X $12 = $108 - taxes + bonus tips = ??? We'll find out when I get the paycheck.
Other updates: job at QAD paying $12 in Summerland doing filing.. interview on Monday. Cross your figners I get the job!