Jun 03, 2008 10:05
Hello again, folks!
While we’re talking about strange things home schoolers do, I have a question. What's wrong with home school girls looking pretty? I mean, what's the deal with all these home school chicks running around without makeup and wearing all these frumpy clothes? Is there something I missed in the Bible that talks about how denim jumpers are inherently pure? Or is it that these girls think they're so cute that if they wore some nice clothes and freshened up their complexions a bit that all these guys would lust after them? I just don't get it!
Then again, maybe it's the parents… Maybe their parents can't cope with the fact that their girls are turning into attractive young women, so they subconsciously undermine their daughter's natural good looks by "disapproving" of anything that makes her look like a beautiful mature lady. Or maybe they're just confusing what's beautiful and what's sexy or they maybe they don't realize there's a difference between the two...
Whatever it is, I think it’s borderline crazy. I mean, there are plenty of girls out there who let it all hang out. These home school girls don’t need to worry so much just so long as they don’t overdo it and dress like a bunch of home school hookers! Now that would be interesting…
And what about these home school guys? Is there an unwritten law somewhere (that I happened to miss) which states that home school guys must look like dorks at all times, especially at ECDs? I mean, seriously! When did lacy shirts and white panty hose come back into style? And when did wearing those things while prancing around with a bunch of other guys who are dressed similarly start earning a guy credit with the ladies? Did I miss something important, or has the term “masculine” lost all its meaning?
Maybe the real problem is isolation. Maybe home school kids get out so little that they are just happy to be around someone of the opposite sex who’s a non-relation and they really don’t care what anyone looks like.
Actually, that can’t be true because I’ve seen the way some home schoolers treat other home schoolers who dress “cool.” And it’s usually with a policy of avoidance. You know, because the cootie alarm is ringing so loud or something.
home schooling,