Buhbye assignments (not really), and Hi Ryoma, Ciel, Lelouch, etc

May 19, 2009 18:02

I only have two more written assignments, and then no more! That leaves me with three in-class assignments (my brain says tests don't count as written assignment). One of the written assignments don't really count, since it's an online paper, but the hardest part would be to score on the other one - the one that's worth 60 marks. Ugh.

The paper I submitted today was beyond crappy, but I've given up hope on the paper anyway. A is so far away, so I hope to at least get B (or better yet, a B+). I guess I'll make another promise to myself - kick your own butt if you don't get at least 2 A's next semester, self! For this semester, I also aim for 2 A's.

Enough of assignments. I find it funny that my sketches are getting more and more random.

I drew the Vongola guardians. Not all of them. Only Hibari, Mukuro, Gokudera and Yamamoto. With a shocked Tsuna, yes. I tried making a baseball-bat!Yamamoto, but it doesn't look twice as good as sushi-roll!Yamamoto. And Gokudera looks like he's drunk, yelling "Jyuudaime!!". Hibari is... singing Namichuu anthem. Mukuro's happily singing his Kufufu no Fu song.

EDIT: Nagi-chan~

I love Chrome. Anyone who bullies her must be raeped punished! This is is not that random, but the sudden urge to draw Chrome is random. Oh well.
My brain aches. And then I feel like drawing Ciel. And then Ryoma. And Lelouch. Weird.

It started out with only Ciel there. And then I added Ryoma because I was moaning about the similarities of their hair and brattiness. And then I added Lulu, which made the canvas even more wtf. In the end, I just add in Nappo-chan and Hibird just for the heck of it.

Yes. Very, very random.

On a lighter note, I think I'm getting my muse back! I'll be back to writing once I get the plots nicely planned for those fandoms.

p.s/ Thanks to peachy_milktea, I now have a Dreamwidth account~ I'm parapsychic, so feel free to add me ;) I'm also kind of done with the layout. Still, my love for LJ stands regardless of their crappy adverts and policies.

p.p.s/ New layout, new header, new journal title, subtitle and headings. They're now in Italian, in case you're wondering. Check it out? ^^

i draw obsessively, so today i..., code geass, reborn!, fangirl is a profession

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