I have so much work to do, and so little time left. Yesterday was spent hunting for apartments, and right now, Quest on Eden looks like the homiest choice. Mr. Adrian was really friendly too. I guess it doesn't hurt to pay a little bit extra for a serviced apartment. No need to worry about having to change bed linens or clean the room. Weekly cleaning and monthly full cleaning *__*
Our internet plan may need to be downgraded to 20gb per month, though. And we'll need to carefully plan our food. I don't know how much I'd have to spend if I don't know how to cook! Good thing I do... I'm hoping to save money by cooking my own food most of the time, eating out ONLY when necessary :3
What I need to do ASAP:
- Be done with Educ 225
- Read a crap load for Langtchg300 in-class test
- Re-do the whole Question 2 of Linguist203, because I was so clever to misunderstand the question *even mistook the 200-word instruction as part of the reading passage*
- Read a crap load of Compsci111 and Educ225 for finals
What I need to do after finals:
- Buy souvenirs for family (already bought a cute handbag for Mom... Should I buy those branded briefs for my Dad XD?)
- Pester my eldest brother for money, because he recently annoyed me greatly just by saying "I don't know what to do with my money anymore" D:<
- Downgrade our internet plan to 200mb plan during the holiday so that goldenneko and I only need to pay $15/person
- Ask my uncle if I can have my part-time job back during my hols
Last night, I was somehow talking about hair with
goldenneko . I sure as hell didn't remember her ever having short hair! Just like it's hard to reember that I had really long hair up until I was 19 *__* We went through folders of past pictures, and I went "Who the heck is that?! That's not youuuu!"
Speaking about hair... I used to have hair longer than the Euphy I drew there. It was a hassle. I wonder why I ever kept my hair that long in he first pace.
O, wait.. Yeah, my Dad insisted that I keep my hair long. He glared at me and gave a full day of silent treatment after I came back home for the hols with short hair. Ha~