Pairing to Include: Any of the following trios: Severus/Harry/Draco, Severus/Harry/Remus, Severus/Remus/Sirius, Ron/Hermione/Draco
Pairings to Exclude: None, really.
Characters: as above
Genre: Romance, any other genres welcome too.
Warnings to Include: Any.
Warnings to Exclude: None.
Length: Any.
Completed or WIP: No WIPs, please.
Rating: G - NC17 (prefer R, though.)
I want a fic that shows the buildup of a relationship between any of the trios. PWPs are okay, but I'd like a nice story.
Declaro is a good example of what I'd like. I don't care about the rating, but I'd prefer that it not be smut for smut's sake.