So, I regularly peruse
SI and noticed today something odd about their ad banners. I'd grown used to them inundating me with huge flash and/or blinking gif ads when on a system/browser combo that doesn't allow me to block them. Yay for firebird when I'm at home. In any event, I noticed today that they had normal sized banner ads... but the "ad slot
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comments I would have posted in chaduv if allowed them:
Jan 1: Maybe next year we'll toast with beer instead. I won't. Yay tradition!
Jan 4: I'm not used to having only 3 weeks winter break. (:
*curses* I taped the rerun of that on Wednesday, and completely forgot to pack the videotape. Oh well.
Jan 6: You said "around 6," got there around 6. Not like the "early morning" that turned into "noon" the first saturday I was home. *grin*
Paying bills online encourages laxity in personal finances. I've avoided doing it so far ..
Jan 8: Nope, didn't take any reading material. There were a couple points where a deck of cards would have been useful .. but I didn't mention that to Dave; he probably would have pulled one out if I had. (:
Jan 9: I started packing about an hour before you got there. It took longer than I wanted it to. Should have done some of it earlier. Eh, well, it doesn't look like I forgot anything.
Jan 10: Is there a metrobus you can take that might be a little more direct? It's subject to the same delays as your car is, but at least you'd be able to read instead of getting frustrated at the traffic.
Jan 11: I vote for amused.
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