So, I created a journal,
chaduv, that I'm going to try to put an entry a day into. As I created it last night, I'm still a few days behind, but will catch up tonight or tomorrow. It may lag a few days back, but if I can stick to it, there will be a something in each day.
I've currently disabled comments in it, but if ya'll feel a great need to comment, let me know. Certainly very little in this journal has been worth commenting on, and that one will be even more "weather is foo, work is bar, car is baz". I'll try and put something on the level of the rant about holiday songs in this one every week or so, but it's low priority. When the spirit moves me.
Also created community
oldmill some time ago. Nothing there yet. Given how many alumni we have cavorting about this site, I thought it might be useful as a place for dissemination of interesting goings on. We'll see. Join at will. Post at will. Currently it's unmoderated, unlimited, et al.