OOC: Contact Information

Mar 23, 2011 14:36

Name: Jessica
Age: Twenty Two
Personal Journal: Hollow_Strife
Email: HollowRefuge@gmail.com
AIM: HollowRefuge or RadiantEpidemic
MSN: Hollow_Strife@live.com or Hauntedrequiem@live.com

I can also be contacted by private message either on this journal, or my private journal. If you have questions, ideas, plots or just generally want to chat, don't hesitate to get in contact with me.

Also, I'm mostly on at night, or in the late afternoon, depending on what I have going on during the day. I'm a night owl, so the best time to reach me and actually talk to me would be at night.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me in any of the ways listed above. (Also, it should be noted that I'm often either A. Having trouble with Trillian, or B. Just simply not signed on. So if it's urgent, please email me, since I always have my Gmail open, or private message me, as I'll get the notification right away. Or simply comment here. Any of those three ways work the best.)

Also, I've chosen to make this account a sponsered one, which has a lot of the benefits of a paid account, but with limited layout options and... random things in russian. If there's something you're looking for but can't find, please let me know.

out of character, contact information

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